
Pharmaceutical dataset

Pharmaceutical datasets provide a significant return on investment by reducing the time and cost associated with drug development, and enhancing strategic decision-making.

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Pharmaceutical Datasets
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Pharmaceutical dataset

We will build a pharmaceutical dataset based on your needs. Pharmaceutical datasets may include data points such as clinical trial registries, FDA drug approvals, patent filings, pharmacological data, molecular structures, and links to open-access research articles and drug information.

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How companies use pharmaceutical datasets

Drug development

Identify potential drug candidates, understand disease mechanisms, and predict drug-target interactions, using pharmaceutical datasets. Use this data for hypothesis generation, target validation, and silico screening, which can reduce the time and cost associated with laboratory experiments.
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Competitive analysis

Pharmaceutical datasets can be used to identify opportunities for investment and market research. Companies can track the progress of drugs in the public domain, understand the competitive landscape through patent filings and drug approvals, and spot potential collaboration and investment opportunities.
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Product & service

Pharmaceutical datasets are used by healthcare companies and service providers to foster product and service innovation. Researchers can identify unmet needs in healthcare delivery through open data, adapt their offerings to incorporate the latest medical knowledge, and develop evidence-based solutions to improve patient outcomes.
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healthcare product and service

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Get structured and reliable pharmaceutical data

pharmaceutical datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case


Различные форматы вывода файлов

Наборы данных в формате JSON, ndJSON, CSV или Excel

Несколько вариантов доставки

Масштабируемые данные

Масштабирование без беспокойства об инфраструктуре, прокси-серверах или блоках

Настраиваемые поля вывода

Определите настраиваемые поля вывода для удовлетворения конкретных бизнес-требований

Обслуживание кода

Масштабирование данных

Определение серверов для обработки большого количества запросов данных

Поддержка 24/7

Управление сбором ваших данных персональным менеджером по работе с клиентами

Обеспечение качества данных

Гарантия надежности и точности данных для принятия более эффективных решений

Гибкое ценообразование от $0.001/record

  • Платите только за то, что вам нужно
  • Доступные бесплатные образцы
  • Сократите расходы, отфильтровав ненужные данные

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