
News dataset

Data from sources like Reuters, BBC, CNN, WSJ, NYT, and Bloomberg provide a diverse perspective essential for comprehensive analysis. Information across topics and geographies helps organizations detect trends, understand impacts, and make informed decisions.

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  • Tap into all major news data points
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News dataset
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News dataset

We will build a news dataset based on your need. Get datasets from top news websites such as CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, Reuters, NYT, Hacker News, many more. News datasets typically encompass a variety of data points such as article headlines, publication dates, news categories (e.g., politics, sports, entertainment), authorship, article content, source credibility, reader engagement metrics (like shares and comments), and geographic information related to the news stories.

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News datasets tailored to your needs

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email, API, Webhook, Google Cloud, корзина Amazon S3 и облако Azure

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Наборы данных в формате JSON, ndJSON, CSV или Excel

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Обеспечение качества данных

Гарантия надежности и точности данных для принятия более эффективных решений

Get structured and reliable News data

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Данные для мгновенного использования

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Беспрепятственный поток данных

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How companies use News datasets

Media analysis

Track media trends and the evolution of news coverage over time using news datasets. Observing the frequency and framing of topics can reveal shifts in public interest and the media landscape. Media companies and journalists can analyze these trends to tailor their content strategies and deliver relevant and engaging stories.
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News dataset for trend analysis

Information integrity

Use news datasets to develop algorithms that detect fake news and assess information integrity. The algorithms analyze language, sourcing, and reporting styles to help platforms and users distinguish real news from fake news. This is crucial for maintaining informed public discourse and protecting the integrity of information ecosystems.
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Fake news detection

Economic forecasting

Incorporate news datasets into algorithmic trading strategies. Real-time news data can be fed into trading algorithms to capitalize on market movements driven by news events. Additionally, historical news data can be used by economists and financial analysts to predict economic trends and to understand the impact of news events on financial markets.
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News dataset for trading

Гибкое ценообразование от $0.001/record

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