How to Scroll to Element in Selenium?

Scrolling to an element in Selenium can be accomplished using the execute_script method, which allows you to run JavaScript within your browser session. This approach provides the flexibility to scroll to any WebElement identified by various Selenium selectors.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to scroll to a specific element using Selenium, including an enhanced code example that navigates to a webpage and scrolls to a specified element.

How to Scroll to an Element in Selenium

To scroll to an element, you need to:

  1. Initialize a WebDriver instance.
  2. Navigate to the target webpage.
  3. Locate the WebElement you want to scroll to using a suitable selector.
  4. Use the execute_script method to execute a JavaScript command that scrolls to the element.

Below is an example code that navigates to a webpage and scrolls to a specified element (e.g., an element with a specific ID).

Example Code

      from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import Service
from import Options
from import ChromeDriverManager

# Set up Chrome options
chrome_options = Options()

# Initialize the WebDriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options=chrome_options)

# Navigate to the desired webpage

# JavaScript code to scroll to a specific element
js_code = "arguments[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center'});"

# Locate the WebElement you want to scroll to
element = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'footer')

# Execute the JavaScript code to scroll to the element
driver.execute_script(js_code, element)

# Optionally, you can add a delay to observe the scrolling
import time

# Close the WebDriver



  1. Set up Chrome options: Configures Chrome to start maximized, enhancing visibility during the script run.
  2. Initialize the WebDriver: Uses webdriver_manager to automatically manage the ChromeDriver binary, simplifying setup.
  3. Navigate to the webpage: Directs the WebDriver to the specified URL.
  4. JavaScript code: The scrollIntoView method is enhanced with options to smooth scroll and center the element in the viewport.
  5. Locate the WebElement: Uses find_element with By.ID to target the element to scroll to.
  6. Execute JavaScript: Runs the JavaScript code, passing the targeted WebElement as an argument.
  7. Delay (Optional): Adds a delay to observe the scroll action.
  8. Close WebDriver: Closes the browser session.

Tips for Efficient Scrolling in Selenium

  • Smooth Scrolling: Using {behavior: 'smooth'} ensures a smoother scrolling experience.
  • Element Positioning{block: 'center'} can be adjusted to start or end based on where you want the element to appear in the viewport.
  • Element Identification: Use various selectors (By.IDBy.CLASS_NAMEBy.CSS_SELECTOR, etc.) to accurately target elements.

By following this guide, you can efficiently scroll to any element on a webpage using Selenium, making your web automation scripts more robust and user-friendly. Not sure if you should use Selenium or Puppeteer? Check out this comparison article.

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